Fall 2019

By Kaila Howard

It’s September, which means that we’re getting into the swing of things in a new academic year at Global Learning Charter Public School. Several high school students got to experience the University of Glasgow over the summer for the STEM program, and have returned with plenty of new experiences to share. Heidi is also fresh out of Glasgow after doing some professional development there. For the past several days, she has also been working to get her certificate in local television production, which she just received, along with a new skill in producing videos. The Port to Port students have taken walks throughout downtown New Bedford and along the port, taking advantage of the lovely weather. The summer heat is still hanging on, but the mornings in southern Massachusetts have been hinting at the crisp autumn ahead. 2019 has also given us plenty of news to keep up with. Plans of Brexit in the UK are still being argued and changed around, with a supposed deadline set for the end of the month for the UK to send a proposal on the Irish Backstop. It isn’t only the UK and EU that are in a dilemma right now, as Iran and Saudi Arabia are in the midst of a major conflict, regarding Saudi Arabia’s recent attacks. Back in the US, we have plenty of conflict with trade and tariffs in China. The 2020 elections are also approaching fast, with many up and coming Democratic candidates fighting to get further in the running. So, with the start of another season, we have much to do and think about!

GLCPS students at the University of Glasgow summer program

GLCPS students at the University of Glasgow summer program

GLCPS students went down to the New Bedford port to sketch

GLCPS students went down to the New Bedford port to sketch

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

Heidi at the New Bedford Cable Network

Heidi at the New Bedford Cable Network